Suffering from Neck or Back Pain? Are your Muscles Sore? Feeling Stressed?
At Hayward Auto Accident Injury Chiropractic Center we pride ourselves as the premiere massage therapy clinic in all of Hayward. Unlike typical massage centers, Hayward Auto Accident Injury Chiropractic Center employs a full time staff of Licensed Massage Practitioners (LMP) who are highly trained in therapeutic massage as opposed to relaxation massage.
A relaxation massage is a rather straightforward session using classic Swedish massage techniques. The massage therapist will utilize techniques of applying light to medium pressure dependent upon the client's preference. This type of massage will often take place at a day spa or resort center. The purpose of the massage is simply to help the client to relieve muscle tension and create an overall feeling of relaxation and euphoria. A therapeutic massage on the other hand is more thorough and is intended to not only provide relaxation and euphoria but also apply advanced techniques to target and alleviate pain and chronic health issues. Therapeutic massages also provide great preventive care to recipient.
At Hayward Auto Accident Injury Chiropractic Center we have a team of LMP massage therapists who are trained in the practice of therapeutic massage as opposed to simple relaxation massage. For more information on how therapeutic massage can help you, give us a call so we can answer any questions you may have